Image circa 1910.
Undated photo.

Stop Sixteen


Built in 1898, the stately home to your left is one of the younger historic homes in Madison.  Lee Trammell built it as a home for his wife and three children.  There had been an earlier home on this location, owned by the Evans family, that was destroyed by fire.  After the fire, only the kitchen of that house remained and it was attached to the new Trammell house.  When Union soldiers passed through Madison in late 1864, it is said that they stacked their cannon in the yard and decorated them with garlands of roses from the garden.  Perhaps they did, but it wouldn’t have been for long because the Yankees moved quickly through town.


The present home’s front façade is said to be almost a duplicate of the earlier structure.  It is the Greek Revival style of architecture one expects to see in the old south of Gone with the Wind.  The ceilings are high, the rooms are 20’x20’, the stairs are massive, and the halls are extra wide. 


 Mr. Trammell’s daughter sold the home after the death of both her parents, but 13 years later bought it back and lived there until her death in 1975.  The next owner expanded the house tremendously in the late 1990s, including a large addition at the rear which more than doubled the size of the house.  They also added a pool and guest house.  This house has been used for filming in the television shows Vampire Diaries and its spin-off show, The Originals.

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