Old Morgan County Courthouse, built c. 1844-45 destroyed c. 1907. Photograph Georgia State Archives.
A 1906 photo of the current Morgan County Courthouse under construction.
View of downtown Madison from the Courthouse's tower. Although the photo is undated, it must have been taken in 1906 or later, following construction.
Morgan County Courthouse with construction underway.
Although this photo is undated, it must have been taken before the 1920s when Cooke Fountain was moved to Town Square.
Unveiling of World War I doughboy monument, dedicated by Daughters of the American Revolution in 1930.
Stop Two

This domed Neo-classical Revival red-brick “pile” building was designed by J.W. Golucke and Company, an Atlanta architectural firm that specialized in public buildings. Built on a lot previously zoned residential, the grand new building opened in 1907. The new tower housed the Seth Thomas clock and bell that Madison resident Sarah Cook had donated a dozen years earlier for the old courthouse on the square. In the center of the intersection, just in front of the courthouse and the statue of the World War I doughboy, stood a beautiful fountain that had to be removed for traffic safety.
(See Stop #5 for information about the square and Stop #26 for details about the fountain, a reconstruction of which is in Town Park.) When court is not in session, visitors are welcome to view the beautiful interior. This has been a popular building used for filming, most notably and recently in the 2015 movie Goosebumps, starring Jack Black (and Madison!).